Mosque Mihrab

Mosque Mihrab

Mosque MihrabMihrab definition: Mihrab is a term that means a hollow, recessed place in the middle of the wall on the qibla side, where the imam stands in front of the congregation while praying. Also, it means room, mansion, high place, an instrument of war, and corner in Arabic.

If the articles are boring; You can check out our mihrap product gallery.

The mihrab takes part with different meanings in the Qur’an and hadiths. Some of these meanings are defined as; high and magnificent buildings, sheltered high places, castles, palaces, temples.

In a mosque, the mihrab indicates the direction in which Muslims should stand while praying. Mihrab direction; It is designed to enable Muslims to pray towards the Kaaba in Mecca.

mosque and masjid mihrab

Different Names of Mihrab’s In Different Cultures

Mihrab and the area where the mihrab is located are called by different names in different cultures. These can be listed as;

  • Mosque Altar,
  • Qibla Wall,
  • Prayer Niche,
  • Mihrab Niche

While some Muslim societies define the area directly opposite the imam as the mihrab, in some Islamic communities the wall and the mihrab are called a whole. In our article, we will use these names interchangeably in different places.

The Adventure of the Mihrab Called the Qibla Wall, Mosque Altar, Prayer Niche, or Mihrab Niche, in the History of Islam

The development of the mihrab, which is considered one of the most important elements of religious architecture, in Islamic civilization is spread over a long period. Initially, Masjid an-Nabawi did not have a mihrab. Only known that the place which Hz. Muhammed (sav) led the prayer was indicated.

While Umar b. Abdulaziz was reconstructing the Masjid an-Nabawi during his governorship of Medina (707-710), a niche-style mihrab was added to the place and this place was recognized as the place of the Messenger of Allah.

The mihrab took its present form during the time of the Ummayads. Except this, it is possible to see that the mihrab reach its peak days with the Seljuks and especially the Ottoman culture.

Would you like to know the parts that make up the mihrab? Read on for the English part names of the mihrab.

Is There A Difference Between Mosque Mihrab or Masjid Mihrab?

In many academic writings, mosque mihrab and masjid mihrab are in the same category. However, both mihrab expressions mean the same in Islamic culture. The reason for the difference here is that the same place of worship in the Islamic world is pronounced separately with the words Mosque and Masjid.

In short, the function of the mihrab you see when you enter a mosque in England is the same as that of the mihrab you see in Qatar. Of course, there may be design changes between these two mihrabs due to cultural differences. However, both mihrabs carry the same function and message for Islam.

What Are The Raw Materials Which The Mihrab Is Manufactured?

The mihrab can be made from different raw materials for dozens of reasons such as the mosque’s geographical location, the architect’s knowledge, and the economic conditions. All these conditions affect the manufacturing period of the mihrab.

There are six types of altar raw materials, although the first three are commonly used. These can be classified as;

  • Marble,
  • Wood,
  • Tiles,
  • Stone,
  • Unbreakable Glass,
  • Brick,
  • Plaster.

Masjid Mihrab Wood Design

Masjid Mihrab Marble Design

The strongest raw material in the above classification is a marble. Almost all of the great mosques that have written themselves in gold letters in history have used marble as the raw material for the altar. There are many reasons why marble is preferred, such as appearance, harmlessness, easy cleaning, and maintenance.

The most important reason why marble is preferred is that they are very long-lasting. Today, we can see many examples proving the strength and durability of marbles. The fact that the marble altars in mosques built centuries ago are still intact is one of these examples.

Masjid Mihrab Wood Design

The wooden mihrab is a type of mihrab that was frequently used in small mosques or masjids in the past. It is preferred because it is an economically reasonable solution.

This mihrab type, which is embroidered like fine embroidery, contains tremendous craftsmanship. It is impossible not to be amazed by the fascinating designs of Kündekari wooden altars.

Eye-catching works of art are displayed in wooden altars, as in marble alternatives. These marvelous works of art, which were handcrafted in the past, are now produced with precision and technological machines.

The biggest disadvantage of wooden altars; is to suffer irreparable damage as a result of fires. For this reason, after many great historical mosque fires, wooden altars were replaced by marble altars.

Masjid Mihrab Tile Design

Tile is a type of mihrab that reached its peak during the Ottoman period, especially the Seljuk. The bright and lively stance of the tiles adds a different atmosphere to the altars.

The bright and lively stance of the tiles adds a different atmosphere to the altars. It is also worth mentioning that you cannot see artistic curves such as marble or wooden altars in altars that enchant us with their colorful and vibrant tile aspects.

Mosque or Masjid Mihrab Design

The design and craftsmanship of the mihrab, by putting the cultural characteristics of each period on top of each other and developing, is the way of the time of the Hz. Prophet to the present day. Although there are differences in design due to geographical and cultural differences, especially the effect of time altars have always been designed around the same idea for centuries: Turning to God and worshiping…

Generally, the doors of mosques always face the mihrabs. When a Muslim or non-Muslim visitor enters the mosque, he first encounters the Mosque or Masjid Mihrab Design. For this reason, administrators and architects, who do not want to make themselves and their works were forgotten for centuries, pay special attention to the design of the mihrab.

Mihrabs are generally beautified with Arabic calligraphy consisting of verses. Gilded or gold-plated designs are particularly striking in marble mihrabs.

Mihrabs do not have a stereotypical size. They can take shape according to the architecture of mosques. While the marble mihrab in large domed mosques can be 4-6 meters tall, they can be up to 2 meters in small masjids. Again, while high mosques usually have a marble rectangular mihrab, small mosques may have a wooden square mihrab.

Mosque or masjid mihrab design can be understood by analyzing the mihrab in pieces. Each piece is a separate work of art. Now let’s examine the parts that make up the Qibla wall:

The Parts That Make Up the Qibla Wall

parts of the mihrabAlthough the Qibla Wall looks like a single piece, it was formed by the combination of more than one piece. These parts are can be counted as;

  1. Hilly (Crown): The crown-like decoration at the top of the mihrab. Generally, a triangular shape is common.
  2. Frame and edge borders: The part that is arranged with vegetal, geometric, muqarnas, and inscription-decorated borders in the mihrabs.
  3. Pediment: The part that is arranged with rectangular inscription frames placed between the frame and the corner sections.
  4. Belt
  5. Corner: The triangular shape between the frame, the pediment, and the kavsara sections.
  6. Mihrab niche: Semicircular or semi-polygonal plan, covered with semi-domes or rows of muqarnas. It is also possible to encounter rectangular-shaped niches designed inside each other.
  7. Kavsara: It is a herbal composition that covers the surfaces of squares and columns.
  8. Lower part of the niche
  9. Sutunce: Small and embroidered column that does not act as a bearing.
  10. Seating: the part on which the mihrab is placed.

However, there are also altars where some of these elements are not included. For example, it is not possible to see all of them in tile altars. These sections are shown in detail in the image above.

Simple Masjid Mihrab Design

Mihrabs, which have a unique design and sense of style, give mosques a more pleasant appearance. However, it is not possible to obtain a complete look by applying the same pattern to every mosque. Therefore, our company offers different designs from each other. You can choose our mihrabs for a suitable and aesthetic appearance for your masjid.

Different designs can be used depending on the material of the mihrab. The designs preferred in many mosques consist of simpler geometric shapes. You can take a look at our mihrab varieties to have a pure-design mihrab in your mosque.

Modern Masjid Mihrab Design

Modern masjid mihrab designs vary according to the area. However, a simpler design is preferred in modern mosques. In addition, in some modern mosques, simpler tones are preferred instead of the colors of red, blue, yellow, and similar.

In modern masjid mihrab designs, the size of the masjid is also of great importance. With the mihrabs specially designed for the area, you can achieve harmony between the mihrab and the area or you can create pleasant-looking areas by choosing the designs we have presented to you.

Things to Consider When Choosing a Mihrab

  • Choose the most suitable mihrab raw material (marble, tile, wood, etc.) for your mosque. If your mosque is being rebuilt for the first time, you can decide more freely when making this choice. When deciding on an existing mosque you need to act in harmony within the mosque.
  • Whatever raw material you use, definitely choose quality materials.
  • Share the pictures and videos of your mosque with the company that will manufacture the mihrab. Stay in contact with them. A good analysis brings a good result.
  • There should be harmony between the dimensions of the mosque and your mihrab. Otherwise, you may be faced with an ugly, highly undesirable architectural design.
  • While researching a company for the mihrab, do not hesitate to ask your interlocutors any questions you may have about the mihrab.
  • The most important thing that makes the mihrab beautiful is the mihrab master. Be very careful when choosing the altar master. Because everything will come out of his hands.
  • Examine the past references of the company that will build the altar. As in every sector, there can be many companies that “exist today and not tomorrow”. Choose a company that can contact you after installation.
  • Check the stability of the ground on which you will install the altar. Especially in marble and tile altars, installation on rotten floors may cause problems in the future.
  • Although we have listed the parts of the mihrab above, it does not mean that all of them will exist in your mihrab. Although the existence of all parts as a whole looks good in terms of visuality and elegance, it is not such a definite and strict rule.

Trying to be architecturally different may not always produce good results:

  • The mihrab is installed in the middle of the qibla wall. Do not break this rule unless it’s necessary.
  • Check that there are no items (pictures, signs), etc. that are not suitable for Islamic culture in the mihrab.
  • If the mihrab you have chosen is of an architectural structure suitable to be decorated with calligraphy, do not make a choice other than the verses of the Qur’an about the text to be written on the mihrab.

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Things to Consider in the Mihrab Price Research

Each altar in the product list offered by our company has an artistic value and a story. That’s why we value and price each product separately. We would like to remind you that price should not be our only criterion when choosing the altar, as you should pay attention to every shopping.

The fact that there are very different pricing in the market for the mihrab is related to some basic factors such as the selection of raw materials, workmanship, and the technological tools in which the raw material is processed.

For example; There may be a serious price difference between marble altars with the same patterns and shapes. Because while poor-quality marble was used in one, Turkish marble, which is known as the strongest marble in the world, may have been used in the other.

As the quality will shows itself on the first day, the real difference becomes evident after many years.

There are main factors that determine the price of the altar:

  • If the selected mihrab model is specific to you, the design cost,
  • Raw material,
  • Labor,
  • Machine technology in which raw materials and labor are jointly evaluated and processing the altar,
  • Door-to-door transportation cost,
  • If requested, transportation insurance,
  • Set up a fee (master+ transportation+ accommodation+ etc. other payments)
  • Payments subject to legal procedures

For informational purposes, we introduce a marble altar product below. Click to view the large photo of this product.

Masjid Mihrab Pictures

Currently, there are three types of altars in our company: marble, wood, and tile. We think you will like these products very much. Apart from that, if you show any mihrab design you like, we can manufacture special products for you. We recommend you review all masjid mihrab pictures on our site.

Masjid Mihrab Pictures Images

We present the links of the mihrab products on our site categorically below. We especially recommend that you determine your wishes and examine them categorically. Please share your valuable comments about our product with us: Every comment from you will inspire us to manufacture better quality products.

Masjid mihrab images

Marble masjid mihrab images

Wooden masjid mihrab images

Tile masjid mihrab images


Can we have an altar that is unique in the world by making a special drawing for us?

As long as it is in line with Islamic architecture, we design and manufacture the mihrab of your dreams together. It is worth remembering that a custom design mihrab will take more time and cost more than the production of ready-made designs.

Which countries in the world do you manufacture and send altars to?

We send altars to every country allowed by international commercial law.

Do you need your masters to come for the installation?

There is no need for our masters to go for the installation. The institutions of our altars are simple. You can also benefit from the master in your own country. This can be an economical solution. But if you want, we offer you all kinds of support for the installation with our esteemed masters.

We want to make a tiled altar. Where can I find different patterns that the tile altar products on your site?

You can examine dozens of tiles mihrab pattern options on our mosque tile product page on our site.

Click for more information about the mosque mihrab.