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What makes Stoneplus Yapı unique is that it undertakes onestop management of many projects in a few different provinces in Turkey at the same time. In Turkey and the world, in addition to charitable business people, foundations, and associations, various official institutions also build Islamic places of worship due to their services and fields of activity.

In the Mosque workshops that were included at a young age, the masters did not only teach the subtleties of the profession to their apprentices; art learned is a memorized meaning. When you enter through that glazed door, respectively, you become brave, yamak, apprentice, journeyman, competitor, caliph, sheikh, and the workshop is a stage like life. In every stage, you go one step in both life and profession. Time passes slowly in the workshop; you cook, you brew, you become a master then a person.

Mosque Build; He works with masters who pass these ranks in the titles of Marble-Stone Work, Line, Tile, Revzen, Woodworking, Alem, Embroidery-Pencil Work and memorize mana for life. All the masters of Mosque Build have passed this stage and are witnesses of the quality and aesthetics of Mosque Build, which has met in almost every corner of Turkey while practicing their profession.

It is located in the Fine Arts Faculty inventory of Turkey’s leading universities, including Traditional Turkish Arts Department faculty. This unique inventory of Mosque Build includes not only art titles and performers but also a detailed catalog of the works produced by these masters.

Dozens of different components that make up a structure can only form a meaningful whole when they are compatible with each other. The existence of the Islamic place of worship in a single structure can only be possible if those competent hands laboring in dozens of different arts are brought together. The harmony of so many different units is directly related to one-stop management. Separate management of Architecture, Geometry, Decoration, Technical units, and the branches of these units means a huge time, attention, labor, and material loss.