While a simpler and more elegant appearance is obtained in the Muezzin place product, the purity and cleanliness brought by the white color are displayed on the product. The marble muezzin place model can be handled from quite different angles, especially due to the material preferred in its construction.
While the simplicity and elegance brought by the white color create a magnificent and stylish appearance in the mosque, it offers the appropriate design to create more modern designs in the area. The muezzin place product, which presents the details and sharp lines of the patterns more easily because it is marble, is decorated with geometric patterns.
There are not many patterns in the marble muezzin place product. Geometric patterns are encountered only on the balustrades on the upper floor. Apart from this, the muezzin place is carried by columns. Each column has a plain and simple appearance with a smooth structure.
The head of the columns is decorated with muqarnas and made more prominent with the color of gilding. The patterns, pattern sizes, and shapes preferred in our wooden muezzin place model may vary according to the request of the person or the architecture of the mosque.
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